Tacoma World vs Tacoma Forum

Hey, i'm one of those connecticut nutmeggers that got permanetely banned from those tw wussies after my 3rd 30 day vacation. No wine and cheese here.
I stayed away from political banter and sex from that point on. As of now there’s one guy on tw that really doesn’t like my humor. Oh well
I think i offended some members when i gave my opinion how their truck looked, or criticized what their mods accomplished. Also claimed our state was very blue, which didn't go over well at all.
Every once in awhile I will spot a CT plated vehicle wheeling down i80 in the middle of the country, but not many!
The most frequent I see from the far n east are from NY NJ and PA
Every once in awhile I will spot a CT plated vehicle wheeling down i80 in the middle of the country, but not many!
The most frequent I see from the far n east are from NY NJ and PA
I haven't been out in the midwest since the late 80's when i ran my last jack pine enduro in michigan
I get that. All I can say is I am outnumbered and outflanked living here. In ct.
Same here. They hate my guts.
Do covid vax's count to?
Yeah for nothing.
Now everyone knows how to reach fear into the sheep. Big deal. My take? There is no beating the box so what difference does it really make when and where? It’s a choice god makes. Not you or anyone else.
Yep, the sheep aren't getting any smarter either. Only way they'll get the message is with more pain.

Ahhh....so now anyone who has received the Covid vaccine are dumb sheep.........

Sounds like Left Blue rhetoric and mythinformation spread coupled with a good dose of labeling.

Sad, very sad. I thought the members here had more maturity than those on TW......perhaps my thinking was in error.
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Ahhh....so now anyone who has received the Covid vaccine are dumb sheep.........

Sounds like Left Blue rhetoric and mythinformation spread coupled with a good dose of labeling.

Sad, very sad. I thought the members here had more maturity than those on TW......perhaps my thinking was in error.
You have to admit. Keeping children out of school for more than a year was a bit unnecessary. And I’m sorry an untested vaccine thrown at us as a Hail Mary cure all was another load of ****. One still got infected one still passed it on. The only cure was our own immunity and some luck. That’s how I see it. Look what Florida did and then the rest of the states that drank the kool ade
FWIW, the vaccine was not promoted as a "cure all".

It was only promoted to limit the severity of the Covid infection. Although, many construed it to be a "cure all".

We will never be able to assess if closing of schools had a positive effect on the spread. I do know that IA kept schools open. Many elected to keep their kid at home to take the home school route.

I wouldn't consider FL or CA as leading states. In my eye, they are too likely to go off half baked, so they can say they were 1st.
Ahhh....so now anyone who has received the Covid vaccine are dumb sheep.........

Sounds like Left Blue rhetoric and mythinformation spread coupled with a good dose of labeling.

Sad, very sad. I thought the members here had more maturity than those on TW......perhaps my thinking was in error.
no, not at all!
You have to admit. Keeping children out of school for more than a year was a bit unnecessary. And I’m sorry an untested vaccine thrown at us as a Hail Mary cure all was another load of ****. One still got infected one still passed it on. The only cure was our own immunity and some luck. That’s how I see it. Look what Florida did and then the rest of the states that drank the kool ade
only necessary for those 'teacher unions' i reckon
i feel just terrible for those high school seniors that missed all of their senior year activities
that WILL come back to haunt EVERYONE
Ahhh....so now anyone who has received the Covid vaccine are dumb sheep.........

Sounds like Left Blue rhetoric and mythinformation spread coupled with a good dose of labeling.

Sad, very sad. I thought the members here had more maturity than those on TW......perhaps my thinking was in error.
It has nothing to do with one's intelligence that received the vax. After a long discussion with a retire doctor the other day thats not afraid to speak out now retired. Says its more about a health risk big pharma doesn't want you to know. Not everyone, but a certain percentage of people that get the vax will develop irregular heart rhythms that leads to blood clots that can go to the lungs, heart or brain causing a stroke or death. He told me they are lying to us the vaccine is safe not to mention hiding the cause of death that have been showing up in younger folks. In his words this has been the biggest money grabbing scam of the century by big pharma.
A friend of mine died from the vax. They know they can't be sued as his wife tried to.
Did I mention untested? Look bottom line this virus killed people in a horrific way basically suffocating from the congestion it or the body caused when infected. So the idea was to mask mandate and let big pharma do what it does. Make money off of a situation no one had a clue as to how or why this happened in the first place. That was then. This is now. @Rock62 are you always this confrontational? Asking for a friend