The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

It's still raining, but its light. I'm well above cornwall, and just east of ny and south of ma.
Boy, at 9am, it was brutal....dark as night. I hadn't seen so much rain fall in 1 hr. It was like a wall of water being poured on the ground.
They're getting some extreme heat this week. I can't ever remember the northeast getting this much rain in July. Heck this storm left downtown burke vermont flooded like never seen before.
I'm getting to hate dentists more, and more. Spent 90 minutes getting my 6 month cleaning, the 1 year, and 5 year 18 set of X-rays, only to find out I need a wisdom tooth extracted due to a low level infection. Tooth doesn't even hurt. On top of it, they said...thats surgery, and they don't do extractions like in the good old days where all dentists pulled a tooth. I gotta make an appointment with an oral surgeon. I'm nearly to the point of asking my brother...hand him good set of pliers to yank it out.
Temp is high. Got in the truck after work. Checked the thermometer......105F. I'm in Wichita.

Don't know the RH, but it is sticky. So I suspect the heat index is significant.