The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

That pic just ruined my morning.:(
At any rate went grocery shopping this morning, while driving my 3rd gen tacoma a few miles into town, the smell inside the cab got overwhelming, it was like a cross of bad cheese, and stinky feet someone left there. Also been raining again. I wonder if there is some sort of mold growing in the cabin air filter from all the damp weather we been having? Geez, I gotta do something before I drive this truck again, or I will blow my lunch.
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When I was in quebec I bought a 12 pack of Molson XXX malt liquor. That stuff packed a punch after having 3 of them. Next morning it left an after taste like some cat pissed in your mouth.
I need a molsom xxx, or 2. Just had a rear molar extracted, and the novocaine is wearing off. They had a pita getting all the pieces of the tooth out. Suck's getting old.
Actually the novocaine shots were the most painful. I swear before this dental surgeon could say, just one more little prick, and... I saw stars as that one was right down to my jaw bone.
Been slurping on a few sam adams summer ales, and feeling much better tonight.
That pic just ruined my morning.:(
At any rate went grocery shopping this morning, while driving my 3rd gen tacoma a few miles into town, the smell inside the cab got overwhelming, it was like a cross of bad cheese, and stinky feet someone left there. Also been raining again. I wonder if there is some sort of mold growing in the cabin air filter from all the damp weather we been having? Geez, I gotta do something before I drive this truck again, or I will blow my lunch.
Same thing happened to my kid's 3rd gen Taco. Complained of a fowl smell omitting from the floorboards or seats or both for weeks. Turns out he left the rear window down one night and it rained hard. After weeks of driving around with the windows rolled down the stench finally went away.
I need a molsom xxx, or 2. Just had a rear molar extracted, and the novocaine is wearing off. They had a pita getting all the pieces of the tooth out. Suck's getting old.
When did they schedule you for a bridge or an implant to fill the hole ? I had a molar extracted months ago and it still hurts like hell. The dentist said he wanted to work on other stuff first then do an implant later. I said it hurts now fix it. He refused so I fired him. Trying out the new guy on the 11th of next month….
Same thing happened to my kid's 3rd gen Taco. Complained of a fowl smell omitting from the floorboards or seats or both for weeks. Turns out he left the rear window down one night and it rained hard. After weeks of driving around with the windows rolled down the stench finally went away.
Nothing was found damp inside my cab. I changed the cabin filter after it looked kind of dirty, and had a funky odor. Its the original cabin filter. Went to see the auto parts store, and bought a wix. So far so good, truck air smells back to normal.
When did they schedule you for a bridge or an implant to fill the hole ? I had a molar extracted months ago and it still hurts like hell. The dentist said he wanted to work on other stuff first then do an implant later. I said it hurts now fix it. He refused so I fired him. Trying out the new guy on the 11th of next month….
The dental surgeon that pulled the tooth asked if I wanted the implant, but my regular dentist said to me to just have it extracted,,,said there wasn't enough bone mass that he felt they could graft an implant. At any rate, I'm $500 poorer vs $5k if the implant could be done. Btw, I just swilled down my last sam adams ale...gotta remember to get more tommorow morning. They didn't say anything about not having a liquid lunch, just no solids to chew.