The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

you definitely do not want a steady diet of it :confused:
Yup, when I was still working, I never had much time to bag it, or have a long lunch, so it was fast food for lunch nearly all the time if wanting to eat. I was an equal opportunity fast food junkie, eating everything from subway to taco bell. Eventually it caught up with me. I'm lucky to be still here typing this.
Subway is supposed to be healthy and fresh
Maybe if subway was all I ate every day, but I had my schedule...mickey d's Monday, Burger King Tuesday, subway Wednesday, Wendy's Thursday, Taco Bell on Friday, and Saturday was usually jakes old fashion burgers, or DeAngelo's for a steak sandwich with fried onions, and peppers. Did that for about 20 years after retiring from racing bikes due to too many nagging injuries at age 39. I really went off the wagon.
Since we don't have a dedicated BS thread for the whole forum here one is. so BS away.
awesome thread, here’s an a BS thing to do. when you travel to football games and enjoy the tailgating, the thing i have noticed is Tacomas and Gladiators cause the top wife anger management problem. well, its really a man problem. its called penis envy, but boy does it have an effect on the wife!!! post pics of those vehicles at tailgates that definitely raised the amount of penis envy in our country!! and give honor to those men that have shrugged off the wife and embraced their penis envy fully!! consider it a form of therapy!