The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Why on earth are you storing 20 gallons of old used motor oil? You'd never want to let it reach that much....any auto parts store like advanced auto will take your old oil if doing your own changes. In my case, it's easier to bring it to our recycling ctr.
Update from my senators email this afternoon on my shops boiler inspection. It's a law driven by insurance companies to protect your building, and anyone nearby. Failure to comply with the inspection is a class c felony with 4 months in prison. We do not take this law lightly. More typical bureaucratic bs mumbo jumbo.
Imo, its only there to protect these insurance companies from major payouts if a boiler should fail.
Why on earth are you storing 20 gallons of old used motor oil? You'd never want to let it reach that much....any auto parts store like advanced auto will take your old oil if doing your own changes. In my case, it's easier to bring it to our recycling ctr.

must not have had the downTime over the past year+ to put in back of truck and goto the Get in the Zone store to drop off for recycling?
... been literally Swamped with the todo list, it never ends :confused:
but good news its gone now to the recycle
the store did give me grief about having SO MUCH at once
he said they can only take 5 jugs per day and to come back with the rest today
but at the end the guy said since we are not all that busy at the moment he could take the rest of whut i had
i thanked him kindly for doing so
Why on earth are you storing 20 gallons of old used motor oil? You'd never want to let it reach that much....any auto parts store like advanced auto will take your old oil if doing your own changes. In my case, it's easier to bring it to our recycling ctr.

also i just might have confused quarts with gallons
call it 7 gallons?
3 full 5qt jugs and 5 or so windshield washer fluid jugs full of dirty old oil
must not have had the downTime over the past year+ to put in back of truck and goto the Get in the Zone store to drop off for recycling?
... been literally Swamped with the todo list, it never ends :confused:
but good news its gone now to the recycle
the store did give me grief about having SO MUCH at once
he said they can only take 5 jugs per day and to come back with the rest today
but at the end the guy said since we are not all that busy at the moment he could take the rest of whut i had
i thanked him kindly for doing so
I'm a bit confused...the to do list doesn't take, but a few minutes to list what needs doing. It's the ''to done list'' I have in question.
the todo list is from a classic episode from the iCarly show on Nick from 10+ years ago
also i just might have confused quarts with gallons
call it 7 gallons?
3 full 5qt jugs and 5 or so windshield washer fluid jugs full of dirty old oil
Generally, the local landfill/sanitation site has provisions for that quantity of used oil. The Auto stores have limited capacity. I have had occasion when the local Auto store was at capacity and could not accept additional used oil. I went to the landfill to use the used oil dump station there. No cost. Just the time to get there.

Using ol' school math...... You had 3-5 qt jugs to total 15 qts or nearly 4 gallons. Plus 5-1 gallon windshield fluid jugs filled. All total nearly 9 gallons of used oil. Lucky the local Auto store accepted the large quantity.
Advance auto parts 25 miles from me accepts any amount of used oil you give them. They have a large tank the oil goes least 250 gallons. When full, a waste oil tanker truck pumps it out. I go to my towns recycling bin about 5 miles down the road. It costs me nothing either, except having to sign my name, and address.
Hard to believe. Where were you?

I was walking through the NCO club on Ramstein Germany and I stopped to look at the TV when the second plane hit.
I was in CST time zone putting my shoes on ready to head out for the day
Later in the day heard Bush had landed south of where I was in Sarpy county