The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Was at my lawyers this noon. When I came out there was a bright white sx gen3 tacoma parked in back of me giving me a fit to pull out of my parking place on the street. This bozo had plenty of room in his rear to park. I just can't figure why some drivers have to park right on top of you.
I equate most of these lower cost fuel additives to snake oil. Use a top tier fuel in these newer trucks, and you'll eliminate a lot of fuel issues.
i occasionally use the LucasOil UCL for fuel pump maintenance
it does not noticeably increase power and fuel economy so my rig must be at PEAK performance already?

I've occasionally used great in my tractors. I used it in my tundra to clean the carbon buildup off the valves, and pistons. You can create quite a smoke show doing that by feeding it directly into the throttle body. It's good once in awhile for high mileage engines. MIB works good in my small power equipment that sits idle for much of the year.
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Its bad enough in much of this state living here, I tell many...unless your into self punishment, there are better choices. Many of my friends have moved elsewhere.
Thats another state to stay away from unless it's the southern end. I went to a manufacture's training class's in east rutherford a number of literally stinks driving in those cities. You wake up every morning feeling like a bag of chit.
Thats another state to stay away from unless it's the southern end. I went to a manufacture's training class's in east rutherford a number of literally stinks driving in those cities. You wake up every morning feeling like a bag of chit.
it cannot be more filthy than Delaware ?
i think IOWA got a new welcome sign... 1st time seen this sign after wheelin' the old rig back across the Mississippi yesterday





50s 60s 70s next week forecast here
most all are record highs i reckon

76 high on Monday
18 low on Tueday
which makes absolut NO SENSE AT ALL