the climate crisis...

4 to 5 days of negative temps
Blizzard warning Friday
White outs
Our latest forecast indicates temps running negative for lows with highs in the singles for the next 7-10 days. The nifty bonus is the forecast calls for wind in the 20-30 mph range. So, this should push windchill into the -20s.

C'mon Spring.
you may just get it!
or... you may not get it :confused:
the central USA is looking for 1 to 2 feet from here to Detroit to the Canadian border

A polar vortex is just the beginning: January's weather forecast is chaotic and dangerous​

Story by Doyle Rice, USA TODAY

An East Coast snowstorm next week?​

I received another email this morning from my electric power company that this coming storm won't be as bad as the last one, but expect more wind,......rain could be heavy at times.
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In Montana, wind chills -- what temperature it feels like -- could reach 50s and 60s below zero, during which frostbite could occur in less than five minutes.
Years ago riding our sleds doing a bag trip in northern quebec, it was a high of just over 30 below that entire week. We were all worried our engines were running too lean at those temps. At any rate we made the 1800 mile week long trip. Felt like a major heat wave when we got back home in the states.
Gonna be flirting with a record low on Sunday that dates back to 1888 of 21 degrees below zero*F -21*F
Yes, 1888
Global warming my bloody A
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Next episode for our flip flop weather with be snow next week, instead of rain. Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind.
Talked with the LOML today. She is in central IA. That area is being pummeled with hours of snow, wind, deep minus temps and windchill "Freeze" warnings. These "Freeze" warnings are issued when exposed skin can freeze in less than 5 minutes.

She has no idea how much snow is accumulating because the snow is being driven into serious drifts.

Anyone in the path of this wise, just hunker down and ride it out. No sense venturing outside with all the possible risks.