Have you ever served a 30-Day Lock-Up at TacomaWorld ? And if so, why ?

Just musing......

I wonder if he squirreled away classified docs from WW2?????
Well at least trump was president this dumb baslard was vice president and didn’t have the rightful ownership of any documents. But nothing will happen and the media won’t budge from there one line reporting.
Well at least trump was president this dumb baslard was vice president and didn’t have the rightful ownership of any documents. But nothing will happen and the media won’t budge from there one line reporting.
Yep, what happened to Obama and the "fast and furious scandal"when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered ? Nothing.
Yep, what happened to Hillary and her "Benghazi scandal" where four Americans were murdered ? Nothing.
Yep, what happened to Biden and the UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE withdrawl from Afghanistan where 13 of my Marines, Sailor, and Soldier brothers and sister were murdered because of Biden's politics ? Not a God Da** thing !
Yep, what happened to Obama and the "fast and furious scandal"when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered ? Nothing.
Yep, what happened to Hillary and her "Benghazi scandal" where four Americans were murdered ? Nothing.
Yep, what happened to Biden and the UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE withdrawl from Afghanistan where 13 of my Marines, Sailor, and Soldier brothers and sister were murdered because of Biden's politics ? Not a God Da** thing !
Well ya might wanna back peddle that last one. But only if the house gets some balls.
In addition to the Afgan exit......

Americans were left behind in preference to Afgans.................. Now, they have been given homes, financial support (govt dole), not vetted........

How many sleeper cells did the govt import?????? We will never know, but will suffer the aftermath.
Only a estimated million gotaways...gotta be a few bad apples in that bunch, but our fearless leader seems to think their just looking for a better life.
Been there did that. Turns out there is no rest. It’s a myth.
Yeah.....beginning to think my retirement plan is a body bag.

I have ZERO confidence in either political direction. This country is being run by a bunch of 1st graders.
Its really an embarrassing situation.

They all have their hands in the cookie jar. They all are trying to catch each other. They all are skilled at gaslighting. They are all lying because their lips are moving. What they say and what they do are light years apart.

Just absolute nonsense. If we do manage to elect someone who is willing to work for the benefit of the Americans, they will fight a Sunami of resistance. and trenches from foot dragging.

The constituents are of the same material and mind.
It didn’t help that they gave themselves raises and medical security for life a pension and a no term limit gig. That started it all throw in some radical nut wing thoughts and here ya go ! Enjoy.
Yeah.....beginning to think my retirement plan is a body bag.

I have ZERO confidence in either political direction. This country is being run by a bunch of 1st graders.
Problem is we have too many pre school voters that put them there.:rolleyes: