What did you do to (or with) your truck today?

Are those the type that don't require drilling any holes?
I had to open 2 holes existing and then use the 2 lower holes along edge of hood they give you those rivet nut inserts but they are sloppy in the 2 lower holes so my friend I borrowed the nut set rivet gun from gave me some bigger ones for 1/4 -20 bolts :) worked nice its good to have a friend with a body shop to borrow the phenumatic gun from
Yes it is sorry for delay getting back . I have Thursday and Friday off forever. Love my 3 day week so we go up on Fridays to bike the canal then meet friends and hang out for the day get pizza and watch the boats go through the canal.
Back in the day we did dirt bike rides at myles standish forest nearby. Seems I remember otis air force base in that area.
Had big fun at hare scramble races a bit west of there at freetown state forest to, always doing well there.
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Route 6 is an ultimate crazy cross country adventure to venture
Starts in that cape somewhere in MA ends in Bishop CA
Meanders through the middle section of the country
It probably takes a week+ to fully travel and see America

Yes it is sorry for delay getting back . I have Thursday and Friday off forever. Love my 3 day week so we go up on Fridays to bike the canal then meet friends and hang out for the day get pizza and watch the boats go through the canal.