a new chapter begins... the road to 400k

Careful on the Mountain passes jay. You flatlanders forget that sometimes. Just kidding. That part of Colorado is just plain beautiful. Post some pictures if you can. :)
I don't reckon there is gonna be any snow or icy on these passes today
But a few peaks still have a white crusty top
Estes Park
Ready to wheel it up into there
And finish route 34 after 3 years 3 months


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This was quite the adventure 2day
It included a 25 minute wait for construction
+ Some sketchy clutching up the continental divide :oops:

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good grief that was a long haul from Pueblo today
Nearly 800 miles wheeled taking the scenic route thru Kansas
Ran thru a real bad rainstorm and had a few tasty hills as far west as you can get in that flat pancake state
good grief that was a long haul from Pueblo today
Nearly 800 miles wheeled taking the scenic route thru Kansas
Ran thru a real bad rainstorm and had a few tasty hills as far west as you can get in that flat pancake state
I thought you were Westbound yesterday,and now you're in Kansas ???
Special warm fuzzy here on directed reply post 30
