The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Finally happened. While running an errand to ace hardware in Litchfield this morning I pulled into their parking lot only to see an old fart like myself getting out of a 2020 quicksand access cab sr5 nearly exactly as mine except for no tonneau cover on his. We enter the store together, as he said to me nice truck, I thought no one had another the same as mine. I got a big laugh as I replied the same....saying, I've not see another one either till now. I asked him if he got it from a local dealer. He told me yes. I told him I had to go out of state to order mine as no one local within hundreds of miles had one. I'll bet one of the dealers here ended up ordering the same truck back then to stock on their lot after I couldn't find one.
Gotta be real careful ordering any car parts off amazon, especially toyota oil filters as most are chinese fakes.
S.O.B.,one of my credit cards have been hacked again. Just received an email from this stove company verifying my address that some dirt bag ordered a pellet stove using my credit card number. Had to call the card company to decline it, and send me another new card. This is getting ridiculous.
When I was laid up in a rehabilitation hospital with a serious stroke for 6 weeks, my tundra sat idle. Once out, the biggest issue were the tires flat spotting. They thumped every time I dragged myself to physical therapy in that truck.....felt like driving into town on square tires. I wasn't even suppose to drive during that time either.
I was released from pt after going there 3 times a week for 2 weeks, yeah it's a racket vs where I was. When I was at gaylord's speciality healthcare, they worked me relentlessly for 6 weeks. When I left, I was way ahead finishing up my pt here.
I was released from pt after going there 3 times a week for 2 weeks, yeah it's a racket vs where I was. When I was at gaylord's speciality healthcare, they worked me relentlessly for 6 weeks. When I left, I was way ahead finishing up my pt here.

PT here is 200$ for just 1/2 hour treatment :confused: